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Take The Challenge – Loving Yourself: 5 Days To Better Self-Esteem

In this 5-day challenge, you’ll discover how to be happy and content with who you are. You’ll receive daily challenges and instructions, as well as support and encouragement from our team of experts. Sign up now and start loving yourself today! 

Here’s what we’ll cover.



Appreciating Your Strengths.

One of the most important parts of self-love is appreciating your strengths. Our society is quick to point out our flaws and mistakes, but it’s just as important to celebrate our successes and positive qualities. When you take the time to acknowledge your strengths, you boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.



Affirming and Accepting Who You Are.

It is so important to love yourself just the way you are. You are a perfectly imperfect human being and that is something to be celebrated! When you make peace with who you are and accept yourself unconditionally, that is when you will truly start living. That is when you will be able to love others unconditionally as well. 



Eliminating Negative Self-Talk.

We all have that little voice in our head that tells us we’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, etc. This negative voice can be very loud and persistent, but it doesn’t have to control us. We can choose to listen to the positive voice inside us instead. When we focus on the positive, we open ourselves up to limitless possibilities. 



Eliminating Toxic Relationships.

Too often, we sacrifice our own happiness and well-being in order to please others or avoid conflict. When we allow ourselves to be treated poorly, we are sending the message that we don’t deserve better and that we are not worthy of respect or kindness. But the truth is that we are deserving of love and respect – from ourselves and from others. 



Affirm Others.

It may seem counterintuitive, but affirming others is one of the best ways to build our own self-esteem. Every time we make someone feel good about themselves, we are also making ourselves feel good. In addition, by affirming others, we are helping to create a world that is more loving and compassionate. And what could be more self-loving than that?

Aloha, I’m Angelina Elle.

And I’m here to help you become your own biggest fan!

I am a Master Mindset, Confidence, and Women’s Empowerment coach, Author, and Founder of Elle Rosegold Academy. My coaching philosophy is based on the belief that when we feel good about ourselves, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. I am also an award-winning Portrait Photographer who specializes in feminine and motherhood portraiture. My photography work honors the beauty and strength of women, and helps mothers capture memories of their greatest creations in art form.

What I love most is empowering other women to feel beautiful and confident in who they are. I assist women in connecting with their authentic and confident selves in order to achieve their goals and create the lives they truly desire. My mission is to help every woman recognize her own beauty and power, so she can go out and change the world!

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© 2024 Elle ROSEGOLD, LLC

Top Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev